Saturn Return

Just sitting down watching the "Australian of the Year" awards, which were held this Australian day. The winner was an environmentalist, Tim Flannery, and in his acceptance speech he criticized Australia as "the worst atmospheric polluter per capita" in the world. The funny part? The look on the face of John Howard, who was standing beside him for the entire speech holding the award. The best bit was probably the segment he started with"...and let me say to the president John Howard". The phrase "a rabbit caught in headlights" springs to mind.
In other Australian of the Year news, John Howard swore in (is that the right term?) everyone's favorite Kildare Man, Damien Leith as an Australian citizen.
I apologize for the lack of updates recently. I must admit, I've been having some "New Year's Blues". Any of you that know me well, know that I am, by nature, a planner. Well, at the moment I'm at a loose end. For the first time in a long while, I don't know where I'm going, or even where I want to go. Career, location, love-life, are all in flux. My instinct is to get control somehow, but to be frank, I've no idea how. I think I've partially come to the decision that I should just go with the flow - lot's of other people do it after all.