Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Unsure as to her feelings on the Big Apple, I asked a friend of mine, who has been living here for 5 years, whether or not she actually like New York. She replied, "No, but having lived here for 5 years, I don't know if I could ever be satisfied living anywhere else."

Monday, October 22, 2007

How I Work on Reducing the D6 Clientele

What a wonderful weekend. I'm having such a good time in new York!

So this evening, after a reasonably eventful weekend, I wander down to the D6 for a couple of beers with a work colleague after a very pleasant dinner in a local Spanish restaurant.

After he left, I found myself talking with an Irish woman who was visiting her friend in New York. It is noted that she is following the weather forecast on the TV. You will notice my phrasing on that last sentence: I was not the one who noticed her, reasonably dull, interest in the weather forecast.

Noticing my confusion - as in "why the f**k would you be so interested in the weather forecast" - she says, "Don't you recognize me?"

In my head I'm thinking, "Um, no. Why the hell should I recognize you?"

Out of my mouth comes the somewhat more diplomatic: "Should I?"

As it turn out she's Eileen Dunne. Honest to God, she asks me "How long have you been out of Ireland?"

Upon my answer of: "A year," she asks "What? Did you not watch the news in six years before that!?!" She was disgusted with me that I didn't recognize her.

As it turns out, one of the things I love about New York is that it turn so-called celebrities into complete nobodies. Get over yourself woman! You're no-bit journalist working for a 2-bit national broadcasting corporation! Getting pissed off at people who don't recognize you in the pub isn't helping your street-cred in the slightest!

F**k you! I'll take Anne Doyle any day of week!