Thursday, October 12, 2006

Baby needs new Shoes

I'm tired of being broke.

"Broke?" you ask. Yup, broke.

To start at the beginning, the reason I'm over here in Sydney is because I'm starting a new job with a new company - name withheld so my boss won't find this blog with a web-search.

However they hadn't got my work visa sorted out by the time I arrived. In fact from what I can tell they had barely started into the process by the time I arrived. What this means is that although I've been working for over 4 weeks at this stage, they haven't paid me.

I think I'm a pretty patient person, but to be frank, my patience is wearing very thin. That's why you're getting the grumpy blog post. I should be working, but for some reason, I can't seem to get motivated.

Obviously when I packed for this trip I couldn't take everything. I packed all my favorite cloths, so things are ok in that regard. However I only packed 4 pairs of shoes (not including trainers), and out of them, there is only 1 pair I particularly like. Now - similar to my patience - I've worn through the sole of these shoes, see the picture. Dammit! I need new shoes, and to get them I need money!

I haven't even mentioned my mortgage or my scary credit card bill yet.

To add insult to injury, for 2 of these 4 weeks I've been without pay, my boss has been on holiday and he won't be back till next week. Without him to pester about this situation, by only outlet is this blog. However, it's not nearly as satisfying, and writing here will not advance my payment in any way.


Here is a question for any Irish people reading this Blog. Why didn't nobody think to mention to me that Mark Harney had resigned?!? It happened on the day I flew out of Ireland, which is presumably why I missed it in the news. However I only found out yesterday. That's almost 5 weeks later!

In here resignation announcement the former Tanaiste said:

I have also received outstanding support as Party Leader and Tanaiste from my advisers and from Party HQ staff each and every one has given wholehearted, enthusiastic and professional advice and service to me over the past 13 years.

Can I presume that when she says "Party HQ Staff" she's referring to the kitchen staff?


BTW This is the second time I've written this post because - dammit! - Blogger/Picassa just ate the whole thing. I also had a whole section on Ireland's embarrassing defeat to Cyprus over the weekend. But I couldn't be bothered rewriting that. They've redeemed themselves slightly by drawing with the Czech Republic yesterday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

resole your shoes?

or go barefoot! you're in Sydney after all

7:42 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My God... the Bear has a blog. Oh the humanity!


10:16 a.m.  
Blogger Pooh said...

Shoes being resoled as I type!

11:44 a.m.  

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